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Saturday 10 June 2017

Fast Settings Of The Etisalat (Daily 60MB) On Stark VPN

Not too long,i discovered the simplest common problem blazers makes when setting up their Etisalat 0.0KB on Stark VPN and is actually making blazerwaperz comment system down with a lot of issues. This common problem inspired me to publish this article in order to help them resolve the issue.

The Common problem

Those using the Stark VPN to connect Etisalat 0.0KB of 60MB data usually thinks the ETISALAT UNLIMITED server is same as theETISALAT server. No! The ETISALAT UNLIMITED server is totally different because it was the formal blocked cheat server.

So, the right server to use is the ETISALATserver which is mainly for the Etisalat 60MB. Now, let's go on activation.

Quick Settings For Etisalat (60MB) On Stark VPN

  • If you don't have the Stark VPN App. Just download it by clicking here 
  • Launch or open the VPN.
  • Under TWEAK; choose ETISALAT

  • Tap on the big red button to CONNECT. When connected, it changes to green color.

This is the main commom problem affecting the connection of the VPN which is not supposed to be happening. However, there are a lot newbies still joining the VPN leagues and nevertheless, this tutorial will surely be of help to them.

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