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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Increase Google Adsense Earnings Using Synchronous Ads

There are lots of ways to increase your google adsense earnings on your blog or website but many of such processes may slow down the loading speed of your website or give your blog a bad user experience, here i want to share with you a simple tip that can increase your earnings and ad impressions on your site, this method am to discuss with you involves the use of synchronous ad units on vital locations of your website.

Adsense has two system of ad units, they are Asynchronous and Synchronous.
Asynchronous ads are ad units that loads after every other content of a page has been loaded while Synchronous ads are units that loads along with the content of the page. Initially adsense had only the synchronous ad type but later introduced the asynchronous ad unit which gives a better user experience than the first, asynchronous ad units allows a reader scroll to the content of the page and read while it the ad loads in the background, this of course is a good thing to the user but bad for the adsense publisher because users may scroll past ads before they load and may leave the page after reading the content without viewing the ad, and as we know an ad can only be clicked when it is viewed.

Despite the fact that asynchronous ads reduces ad impressions and chances of clicks they are still the best type of ads to use if you care about the user experience of your website, however there are places on your site that synchronous ads should be used to increase your impressions and earnings without affecting the experience of your site and this is what am about to talk about.

To increase your ad impressions and chances of clicks you should use synchronous above the fold of your website, this includes your header, navigation bar or any other part of your site that is displayed before your site. By doing this your ads above the fold would load and viewed and before a user scrolls to the content of the page, you would agree with me that this would boost your ad views and also increase chances of getting clicks on the ads.

It is not advisable to use to use synchronous ads all over your site rather only one or two synchronous units should be used above the fold so it doesn't affect page load time of your site.
Synchronous ads codes are different from asynchronous codes, asynchronous ad unit codes has the "Async" while the nah nah... your guess was wrong, Synchronous ad unit codes do not have any tag.

You can get the synchronous codes of any ad unit by selecting synchronous when getting the ad code for the unit on your adsense dashboard.

That's all for today about increasing your earnings on google adsense, don't expect double of your earnings after implementing and using synchronous ad on your site, there are lots of other factors that determines the amount you earn on the adsense network, they include the amount of traffic on your site, the sizes of your ads and most importantly the countries that your ads are clicked from, here is a list of countries with the highest payment per click on  adsense.

i would surely share more tips with you as soon as i discover them, if you're yet to get approved into the program then you shouldn't fail to read this comprehensive post titled "How To Get Approved For Google Adsense", you have a 90% chance of being approved if you implement the tips mentioned in the post. Show your appreciation by sharing this post and also drop your comment, wish you luck.

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