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Sunday 18 June 2017

[Video] WWE Money In The Bank: Men's Ladder Match

MITB Ladder Match: AJ Styles vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Kevin Owens
We go to the ring and out first comes AJ Styles for tonight's main event. Dolph Ziggler is out next followed by Sami Zayn. WWE United States Champion Kevin Owens is out next. Shinsuke Nakamura comes out next but Baron Corbin attacks him from behind at the entrance.

Corbin grabs a ladder and nails Nakamura with it. Corbin keeps up the assault on Nakamura as referees come to break it up. They check on Nakamura as Corbin heads to the ring. Trainers are also out to check on Nakamura. Corbin wants the bell rang now. The bell rings and 5 of the 6 Superstars go at it. Corbin tosses Owens to the floor. Sami and AJ also clear the ring and go at it with Corbin. Sami goes out to work over Ziggler. Owens nails Sami and sends Ziggler into a ladder. Owens and Sami trade shots on the floor. Owens drops Ziggler as fans chant for Nakamura. Sami sends a ladder into Owens' face. Corbin sends Sami into the barrier. AJ rocks Ziggler. We see trainers helping Nakamura to the back.

Ziggler drops AJ at ringside. Sami slams Owens' face into the apron a few times. Sami runs the ropes and nails a big dive to Owens on the floor. Corbin and Ziggler use a ladder to double team AJ on the floor. Corbin decks Ziggler. Corbin slides a ladder into the ring but Ziggler superkicks him to the floor. Ziggler comes in with the ladder but Sami knocks him back to the floor. Sami goes to position the ladder but Owens pulls it to the floor. Sami runs out and clotheslines Owens on the floor. Sami brings another ladder in but AJ comes from behind and decks him. AJ tosses Sami to the floor. AJ brings the ladder in but Ziggler stops him. AJ blocks a ladder shot and rams Ziggler back into a ladder at the announce tables. Ziggler runs up a ladder and blocks AJ from nailing a Phenomenal Forearm to the floor. Corbin catches Ziggler in a Deep Six on the floor.

Sami uses the top to moonsault onto Corbin on the floor. Sami clutches his knee. Owens superkicks AJ in the ring and works him over. Owens talks trash to some boos. Owens grabs a ladder and rams it into AJ. Sami also takes a ladder shot from Owens. Owens knocks Corbin and Ziggler off the apron with the ladder. Owens stands tall and raises the ladder but AJ drops him into it. AJ and Owens trade shots in the middle of the ring now. AJ goes for a Styles Clash but Owens resists. Owens back-drops Styles over the top to the floor. Owens looks up at the briefcase and grabs the ladder.

Owens opens the ladder but Sami runs in and stops him. Owens gets knocked to the apron but hangs on. Owens goes to the top for a dive on the others but Sami cuts him off. Sami launches Owens from the top onto a ladder in the ring. Sami stands the same ladder up but it's broken due to Owens. Sami dumps that ladder and brings another into the ring. Sami looks to climb but Ziggler runs in and stops him. Ziggler lays a ladder in the corner and tosses Sami onto it. Ziggler climbs up but Sami pulls him down. Sami runs up the ladder but Ziggler superkicks him to the mat. Sami catches another kick and drops Ziggler with a Blue Thunderbomb. Sami climbs the ladder but Corbin comes from behind. Corbin slams Sami's face into the rungs of the ladder and he goes to the mat. Sami charges but gets a face full of ladder. AJ with kicks to Corbin now. AJ with a low forearm.

Fans chant for AJ as he positions a ladder and climbs up. Corbin climbs the other side and they trade shots at the top. AJ with a headbutt and a right hand, and another to knock Corbin down. Ziggler climbs up Corbin's back and meets AJ at the top. AJ gets knocked to the mat from up high. Ziggler grabs the briefcase but gets knocked down by Corbin. Corbin climbs up but Ziggler leaps and nails a Zig Zag. Ziggler climbs up but AJ stops him. Sami climbs the other side. AJ, Sami and Ziggler are all up top now. AJ gets double teamed and knocked to the mat. Sami and Ziggler trade shots now. Sami unloads and looks at the briefcase but changes his mind. Sami hits a big sunset flip powerbomb from the top of the ladder instead. Ziggler rolls to the floor as fans chant "holy s--t" and we get a replay.

Owens pulls Sami out and goes for a powerbomb on the apron but Sami avoids it. They trade shots on the apron now. Sami with a big boot as the "ole!" chants start up. Sami with a full nelson suplex on the apron, sending Owens flying to the floor. Sami struggles to get over to the ladder that's still standing. Sami climbs up as the chants continue. AJ leaps in out of nowhere with a Phenomenal Forearm, knocking the ladder over with Sami. Corbin brings AJ out and sends him over the announce table. Styles ends up leaping out at Corbin but he gets caught. Corbin chokeslams Styles onto a ladder that's bridged from the steel steps to the announce table. Sami with a Helluva Kick to Corbin int he corner. Everyone is down but Sami now. Sami positions a ladder and climbs for the briefcase.

Ziggler runs in and grabs Sami's boot but Sami kicks him away. Sami gets his fingers on the case but Owens runs in and stops him. Owens with a low blow. Owens climbs the ladder and grabs the briefcase but Styles grabs his leg. Styles pulls Owens down but Owens rocks him. Owens dumps AJ to the apron and drops him. Owens grabs AJ and tries to powerbomb him from the apron to the bridged ladder but AJ fights it off. AJ counters and launches Owens from the ladder to the apron with a fireman's carry. Owens and AJ fall from the ladder to the floor. Corbin is also down. AJ returns to the ring and positions a ladder as fans chant his name. AJ climbs up but here comes Ziggler. Ziggler pulls the ladder away but AJ is hanging from the chain of the briefcase. AJ falls to the mat without the briefcase and Ziggler laughs at him.

Corbin positions the ladder now. Nakamura's music hits and out he comes to a big pop. Corbin grabs the ladder and waits for him. Nakamura slowly walks to the ring. Corbin tosses the ladder but misses. Fans sing Nakamura's theme song as he hits the ring and unloads on Corbin. Nakamura with the knees in the corner and a kick to knock Corbin from the apron. Ziggler runs into boots in the corner from Nakamura. Nakamura with a Kinshasa from the top to Ziggler. Another Kinshasa for Ziggler. Sami runs in but Nakamura nails him. Nakamura with the reverse exploder suplex on Sami. Nakamura with a Kinshasa to Sami next. Fans chant for Nakamura as he goes outside for a ladder. He tries to bring the ladder in but Owens grabs it. Nakamura slides the ladder in but Owens is still trying to stop him. Owens takes a Kinshasa on the floor next.

Nakamura returns to the ring and grabs the ladder to position it under the case. Nakamura is slow to climb but when he starts, AJ meets him on the other side of the ladder. They stare each other down as the crowd pops. They both carry the ladder to the side and stare each other down for a fight in the middle of the ring. They go at it and trade strikes. Nakamura applies a submission from behind and brings AJ down to one knee. Nakamura turns that into another exploder. Nakamura goes for a Kinshasa to AJ but AJ blocks it with a forearm. Fans chant "this is awesome" now. Styles positions the ladder and looks to climb again. Nakamura meets him at the top and they trade shots. Nakamura gets the upperhand as fans do dueling chants for the two. AJ fights back. They both reach for the case. Corbin runs in and pushes the ladder over, sending both into the ropes.

Corbin stands the ladder back up and climbs up to retrieve the briefcase for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

- After the match, Corbin stands up high with the briefcase as his music hits. We go to replays. Corbin stands tall with the briefcase while the other competitors are down around the ringside area. MITB goes off the air with Corbin raising the briefcase.

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