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Saturday 1 July 2017

Why Your Blog Isn't Getting Any Traffic

Blogging is one task every webmaster engage in. After all, we all want people to visit our blogs every day and time. 

Considering the fact that there are over 30 million blogs on the internet, getting traffic any blog is almost possible. 

In reality, that isn't true. People access the internet daily and trillions of queries are being searched in google daily. 

All you need is 1% of that daily search to your blog, which is over get 100k visits per day. Imagine if you get 1% of 4 trillion visits everyday, how would that be like?? Cool right?

The problem really isn't blogging. The problem is getting people to visit and read what you've spent your whole precious time writing. 

Truth is, you won't get any traffic if you don't act fast. Why aren't you getting any traffic, really?

Well, the answer is simple, your blog is quite empty and sad!

Here's five things to do if you really want to see a spike in traffic for your blog within the next 5 days. I'm not going to mention guest blogging and SEO, basically because those are the once we hear everyday.

Here we go:

Link building
Link building is the act of building hyperlinks to your blog. First of all, links aren't created equally. 

So, the blog linking to your own blog matters a lot. There are two type of links which are the "do follow" and "no follow" links. 

Do follow links are more important because they help build your blog's page rank and help your blog rank higher in the search engine results pages. 

On the other hand, "no follow" links are the links you find mostly in comments section and forums like Nairaland. 

They are normal links and have no effect on your blog. A do follow link can either destroy your blog authority of build it.


Getting a link from a low quality site or a porn site or a site with an entirely different niche than yours can plummet your rankings and blog authority. 

For example, if you own a blog about celebrity gossips, you should consider getting links from higher celebrity gossip and entertainment blogs like

If you focus on getting links from international blogs in the car niche or business niche, you'll get little link juice and authority surge to your blog. 

In short, Get quality links from quality niche-related blogs. For without links, your blog will go no where!

Quality content
Content is king - says neil patel Yes, quality content is a vital aspect of blogging too. 

Instead of copying from other blogs (Nigerian bloggers love to copy and paste) why not sit down, take your time and map out your quality post. 

For most Nigerian bloggers looking to get traffic to their blog, copying and pasting content will lad your blog in Google's black book. 

So, no matter what you do, you won't just rank. You're wasting time. Let your first 50 posts be original and quality. 

I currently have about 436 quality blog posts on my two months old blog,blazerwaperz, and have seen them work wonders because of their uniqueness in Google results pages.

Write longer posts
Why short posts? Easy readability right?

Yeah, you nailed it.

Wait. Google won't rank you. Sorry.

Current reports from Moz blog and other authority SEO blogs posit that that posts with 2000 to 2500 words rank higher in the search results pages. I mean, real meaty, keyword studded and lengthy blog posts.

Not just crap. So, take the pain, create longer posts.

The guy from, Brian Dean, blogs once in a month with posts as long as 7,000 words. 

He currently is regarded as the next guy in link building the field after the gurus at Moz. 

His blog, stuffed with deadly quality and resourceful posts dominate the search engine result pages for most link building terms.

The more quality blog posts you write, the more Google will rank your blog for competitive terms. 

Richard Marriot at was able to steal the number spot for the keyword "link building tools" after he created a deadly resourceful post which got him tons of backlinks, mentions, and followers.

Wait it out
The links you build and posts you write won't show up the next day, or skyrocket to the front page of Google search the next day. You have to wait it out. 

If your blog isn't ranking for a term you want it to rank for, then it's either you chose the wrong keyword or you've not worked hard enough to hit the spot. Wait it out. But don't stop working. 

Sometimes, we pick keywords that are impossible to rank for and expect magic to happen. Hundreds of people are dying to rank for some terms but they never rank 10th page for that term.


They're doing it wrong.

Start with targeting low keywords. I'll let you know more about that when we get to...Number 5:

Target longtail keywords

What are longtail keywords?

These are the keywords that bring in more money, ready customers and targeted traffic. In other words, they're longer and more specific keywords.

For example, if you're trying to rank for the term "weight loss tips" as a Nigerian blogger, you'll go through the gutters of hell to rank there.

Longtail keywords make it simpler to get the audience you want. Why not be a little more specific?

If you target the keyword "weight loss tips for Nigerian men below 40" or "weight loss tips for Women below 60" or "weight loss tips for Nigerian guys", I bet you'll get more traffic turn up than the usual " weight loss tips" you were trying to rank for. 

Just play around longtail keywords with the Google planner tool and I bet you'll see a lot on what you've been missing.

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