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Tuesday 22 August 2017

How to fix Adsense Disabled Website and account due to Invalid Activity

The most painful moment of a blogger is when AdSense disabled the Ad running on the blog and hence, blocking the blogger from making money. It's totally a sad experience but this article will reveal a special way to fix the issue.

Adsense banned or disabled due to invalid activity are often caused by website owners who might have mistakenly clicked his or her advertisement. Sometimes, the reason might not be fully cleared.

There was once a time, I applied for AdSense. I earned up to $150 and was waiting for the payment day which is always on the 21st of every month, depending on your payment method. Sorrowfully, I received a message which got me embarrassed, distraught, worried and confused as of how I got banned from AdSense program.

I tried many ways in which I can reinterate my AdSense back by appealing but all efforts was not successful. It's sure that once AdSense is being disabled due to invalid activity, the domain will no longer display AdSense AD and the user won't be able to participate in AdSense program till the account is reinterated.

However, there are many AD networks available out there but AdSense still remains the highest paying Ad network with recurring income. If you are ready to make cool money online with your blog, I recommend AdSense. Now let's see how to fix the issue.

How to fix Adsense Disabled Website due to Invalid Activity

  • Since AdSense no longer display on disabled website, just purchase or buy a brand new domain name.
  • Go to your blogger dashboard, remove the blocked domain and connect your newly purchased domain name to your website.
  • Now, in order not to lose traffics, kindly create another blog or website and move the blocked domain name to it and paste the following code on the homepage or template of the newly created website which has the old domain;
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">
Note: Change "" to your newly purchased domain. This will redirect your old blog domain to the newly purchased domain whenever users visits it.
  • This will redirect the old domain to the newly purchased domain name and will save your traffics from wasting.
  • Now, open another new AdSense account with a new device and with a new email that must not correlate with the blocked email.
  • Then, make your new email the blog administrator and start managing your website from a new domain and a new email. 
  • Now, with the traffics redirection, you will be able get stable within some months and surely, your AdSense will be approved again.
Note: You should carry out this procedures with a new phone or better still, reset or flash your phone before you proceed in order not to get banned again. 

If you have been banned, this is the best solution I can provide to fix the issue rather than to stay without making money like other website owners.

Nevertheless, you can fill a form of appeal, if you wish not to follow this tutorial. Your account might be reiterated based on your proof.

Helpful? Any issue? Kindly drop questions and if it works for you, kindly share your testimonies!

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