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Saturday 5 August 2017

Top 8 Ways Bloggers Can Get Extra Traffic To Their Blogs

Getting traffic is one of the basic things that keeps bloggers going. I'll outline the best ways to get extra traffic to your blog.

Submitting Your Site To Facebook Free Basics

Facebook free basics provides free access to websites for users around the world. It's available in some countries. To expand your reach and audience getting your site into free basics is something you should definitely try out.


Little Javascript On Your Blog
Logo To Represent Your Blog
Your Blog Must Have A Responsive Mobile View.
If there's a lot of Javascript on your site you won't be accepted into the program . Freebasics may not give you massive traffic at first but on the long run you'll be glad you submitted your site. Freebasics gives me an Extra 10,000 views

Submitting Your Site To Bing News

To get more traffic, joining the Bing news service would really be helpful. As it should be, getting into the news service is a little bit difficult . Considering the fact that Bing is owned by Microsoft and it acts as the main search engine for Windows powered devices and gadgets. It'll give you a considerable audience in the Microsoft Community.
In order to be accepted, your site has to have original content and make it stand out from other websites. The site must look like an Authority on its niche. Multi Niche blogs are hardly accepted because most people running those kind of blogs are those that plagiarize other people's content.

A Microsoft Account

Your Site Must Be Submitted To Bing Webmaster Tools
Working Full RSS Feed
Many Unique Articles (at least 70% of your posts should be unique)
Go to to apply

Submitting Site To Apple News
If you're looking to increase traffic from the United States, then Apple news comes in very handy. Although I had issues with applying for this, I would be approved soon as I have already fixed the minor errors in my application.
Apple news runs on all iOS devices around the world, think of how many people you can reach out to. Some blogger friends of mine get like 3000+ views daily from it. Joining Apple News Has a few things that you'll need.

1. iOS Account
2. Transparent Logo
3. Working RSS Feed
4. Neatly Organized Articles
5. Working RSS Feeds

You don't need an iPhone to create an iOS account. You can create it online too on its page.
Go to to apply.
Submitting Your Site To Google News
Google news is the most difficult to get into as Google has strict guidelines. I've tried more than 6 times getting into this but I wasn't accepted. I think it'll work when I switch to WordPress or find out more on how to make my blogger powered site to get approved. To the best of my knowledge there are a few requirements.

1. Google Account
2. Google News Sitemap
3. Submit Site To Webmaster Tools
4. Working RSS Feed
5. Your Site Must Have Different Categories
6. Original Content Only
Just search for "apply for Google news" to get the link.
Writing For HelpAReporter( HARO )

Many top sites like The New York Times , CNN, BBC and even Forbes use Haro to source for opinions from different people, especially bloggers. When you join HARO responding to a query can get you featured on a top ranking foreign website. I've been featured more than 4 times on a foreign website owned by Verizon (a top service provider in the US) . While it boosts your reputation, it also boosts traffic as well.
You'll receive questions 3 Times Daily so you can respond to the ones you can.
Head Over To to submit your site. Sign up as a source.

Writing For Other Websites
Guest posts also boost traffic. I write for top Nigerian Sites Naij and Pulse. I get a lot of traffic from their sites too. You can consider contacting top sites that cover your niche as well and writing for them.

Posting To Google Plus Communities
Most Bloggers forget about Google Plus Communities. Believe me 10+ Google plus shares is better than a 100 Facebook likes. In fact one of my posts with Over 90,000 views had just 10 Google plus shares, apart from the SEO I applied to the post, the shares did a lot of work.
In order not to look like a spammer. Don't just post links on the Google plus community pages.

Write a short summary about the post then add your link. Google Plus Communities are more interactive than Facebook groups and are also made up of many smart people so link baits will hardly work.

Posting On Reddit

Getting to the front page of reddit will give you Roughly 60,000 views. It's very difficult but you just have to keep trying till you get to its front page. Being an active member of the community helps. I've been a member of reddit since 2014.

Reddit's sections are called sub reddits. Find the sub reddit that suits your post then drop the post and the link. Of course you have to sign up first.

If you can get all the stuffs above work well for you, you're looking at roughly 250,000 views monthly. Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments.


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