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Monday 19 June 2017

[WWE MONDAY NIGHT] Finn Balor vs. Bo Dallas

Back from the break and Bo Dallas is wrapping up his entrance as Balor waits.
Dallas attacks Balor out of nowhere and sends him into the corner, before the bell even rings. Dallas unloads on Balor and beats him down. The referee checks on Balor and calls for the bell. Bo attacks again and backs Balor into the corner. Dallas with a clothesline. Bo keeps control and continues dominating Balor.

Bo brings the fight to the floor and launches Balor into the barrier. Bo with a running knee to the face against the barrier. Bo brings Balor back into the ring and covers for a 2 count.

Balor finally gets in some offense and drops Bo with the overhead kick. Bo comes right back but Balor fights him. Balor drops Bo and stomps away. Balor unloads with stomps as the referee warns him. Balor clotheslines Bo to the floor and nails a running kick to the head from the apron. Balor launches Bo into the barrier now. Balor with another toss into the barrier before bringing it back into the ring. Balor hits Slingblade and a running dropkick into the corner.

Balor goes to the top and hits a Coup de Grace for the pin.

Winner: Finn Balor

- After the match, Balor stands tall as we go to replays. Balor stands tall in the corner as the celebration continues.

- Corey Graves apparently receives a message and has to leave to go handle some business. Cole leads us to the WWE 2K18 trailer with cover star Seth Rollins. We go to commercial.

- The announcers talk about the women's Money In the Bank controversy and send us backstage to RAW General Manager Kurt Angle on the phone, talking to someone about MITB. Corey Graves walks in and is sorry Angle didn't have a happy Father's Day. Graves says he got the same text Angle did. Graves has a plan. Enzo Amore and Big Cass walk in. Angle asks Enzo why he talked trash to UFC star Conor McGregor on Twitter. Cass isn't worried about a tweet, he wants to talk about how they have been getting attacked lately. Cass says he knows for a fact that Big Show is the one attacking them. Angle promises we will know who is doing the attacking by the end of tonight. Enzo and Cass leave. Graves starts talking to Angle about his plan as we go back to the ring.

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