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Monday 19 June 2017

[WWE MONDAY NIGHT] The Hardys vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

We go to the ring and out comes The Hardys to a big pop. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out next.
Anderson starts off with Matt Hardy and they go at it. Matt gets the upperhand and tags in Jeff Hardy for a bit of double teaming out of the corner. Matt comes back in for more work on Anderson in the corner. The Hardys hit a double suplex for a 2 count by Matt. Gallows comes in and takes control but misses an elbow drop. Jeff tags back in for more double teaming. Jeff knocks Anderson off the apron and hits Poetry In Motion in the corner. Jeff splashes Gallows for a 2 count

Gallows decks Jeff and takes him to their corner to turn it around. Anderson works Jeff over in the corner. Jeff tries to make a comeback but Anderson and Gallows drop him in the corner and stand tall as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jeff is still down in the opposite corner. We see RAW Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Sheamus watching backstage again. Anderson keeps Jeff from tagging. Jeff finally kicks him away but Gallows tags in and knocks Matt off the apron.

Gallows with a big running splash to Jeff in the corner. Anderson tags in but Jeff fights them both off. Jeff goes to the top and comes crashing down on both opponents. Matt finally gets the tag and unloads on Anderson as the "delete!" chants start. Matt knocks Gallows off the apron. Matt keeps control and hits the Side Effect but Gallows breaks the pin. Gallows ends up dropping Jeff on the floor with a big boot. Anderson distracts the referee while Gallows drops Matt with a right hand. Anderson follows up and tags in Gallows. They hit the Boot of Doom but Matt kicks out just in time. Jeff takes out Anderson while Gallows floors Matt into the corner. Jeff tags in as Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Gallows. Jeff climbs up and nails a Swanton Bomb for the pin on Gallows.

Winners: The Hardys

- After the match, The Hardys stand tall as we go to replays.

- Still to come, Joe vs. Reigns. Back to commercial.

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