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Monday 19 June 2017

WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Roman Reigns Vs. Samoa Joe

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- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with Michael Cole welcoming us. We're live from Evansville, IN. Cole is joined by Corey Graves and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

- We go right to the ring and out comes Roman Reigns for his big SummerSlam announcement. JoJo makes the introduction.

Reigns takes the mic to mixed reactions. He says some of us might not like this but he cannot be beaten one-on-one when it comes down to it. Ask Bray Wyatt, ask Finn Balor, ask his little brother Seth Rollins, ask Braun Strowman because Reigns put him out of commission. Reigns also brags on retiring The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. Fans chant Taker's name now. Reigns says he respects Taker and Taker respects him because Reigns beat him. Reigns doesn't care who has the WWE Universal Title after Great Balls of Fire - Brock Lesnar or that guy they call Joe, because he will be the #1 contender at SummerSlam. Why? Because this is his yard and he makes the rules around here. And that is why he... the music interrupts and out comes Samoa Joe.

Joe says Reigns must have forgotten his name. First he was offended but he understands Reigns had to come out and make a case for his big announcement. Joe says his name wasn't on that list of people Reigns has beaten because he's never defeated Joe. Joe re-introduces himself. His name is Samoa Joe and he is the true #1 contender, and the next WWE Universal Champion. Reigns says he never thought he'd agree with Paul Heyman but he was right last week. Reigns says Joe will never be Samoa Joe to him, he will always just be Joe. They face off and Joe rocks Reigns with a headbutt. They brawl to the floor and Joe sends Reigns into the barrier twice. Joe slams Reigns' face into the apron and rolls him back into the ring. Joe grabs Reigns and talks some trash. He goes for the Coquina Clutch but Reigns fights him off. Reigns nails a Superman punch, sending Joe out of the ring. They face off as Reigns' music hits and Joe backs up the ramp.

- We see The Hardys backstage walking. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Joe vs. Reigns is announced for tonight's main event.

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