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Today's Articles

Saturday 19 August 2017

Glo Unlimited Free Browsing cheat now rocking faster using the new Anonytun VPN + video tutorial

Glo unlimited free browsing is up to and more than a year, considering the fact that the offer had been sustaining all students and some businessmen to access their internet, is one of the factor we should praise. 9mobile on the hand, was rated as the best and fastest browsing network in Nigeria especially among its competitors.9mobile also have its own free 60MB timely based data plan, popularly known as "0.0KB offer" because it can be activated with zero credit. 

I could still remember how Glo unlimited saves my money in downloading files that's up to 40GB on my game consoles, phone and as well, stream the hell out of YouTube. Many people could attest to that because it's full chance to activate Unlimited rather than data capped plans.

In this article, you would be acquainted with the settings of how to set Glo unlimited properly on Anonytun VPN (virtual private network) 

How To Set Glo Unlimited Free Browsing On Anonytun VPN

  • Download Anonytun VPN by clicking here and launch or open the application.
  • Tap on "Stealth health" and change connection protocol to "HTTP" and connection port to "8080".

  • Now, turn on "Custom TCP/HTTP Headers" and tap on "Edit Custom TCP/HTTP Headers" and input these settings below;

Request method: POST
Injection method: Normal
Mark on "User-agent" and leave other boxes unticked.

  • Finally, tap on "Generate", then " SAVE" and connect.

Read also :How to Activate Free 50GB Data on your MTN sim valid for 6 Months.{GH}

Watch video tutorial on how to activate 9mobile Free Browsing On Anonytun VPN 

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