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Today's Articles

Sunday 20 August 2017

You can now download and surf the internet with 9mobile "Free YouTube Streaming Offer" 2017

9mobile the Nigeria and some other countries network with the fastest internet connection in many locations. In fact, is the most innovative product and services.

Read also :Glo Unlimited Free Browsing cheat now rocking faster using the new Anonytun VPN + video tutorial

Recently, they added another offer to those who purchase monthly data plan. Any monthly data plan purchased might gives you "Free YouTube Streaming" offer.

Those on 9mobile morecliq are always given "Free Cliq4DNite data bonus" to browse from 12AM - 5AM and in this YouTube offer aspect, customers who purchased the monthly plan might be given free YouTube Streaming bonus.

In this tutorial, if you are given the Free YouTube Streaming bonus, you will be able toconvert the YouTube bonus to 2GB of data and at the same time, browse over the night.

How to Browse with 9mobile YouTube Streaming bonus

  • Make sure you have received the YouTube bonus which says; "Enjoy free YouTube streaming from 1AM-5AM daily.". As shown below;

  • Now, in the night, download anonytun VPN app by clicking here.
  • Then, tap on "Stealth Settings" and toggle it on.
  • Set Connection protocol to HTTP and set Connection port to 8081.
  • Toggle on the "Custom TCP/HTTP headers" and tap on the "EDIT CUSTOM TCP/HTTP header

As shown below;

  • In URL/HOST input;
  • Set Request method to POST and set Injection Method to NORMAL.
  • Under extra headers; tick USER-AGENTand KEEP-ALIVE.
  • Finally, tap on GENERATE and SAVE.

  • Go back home and connect.

Enjoy the YouTube free browsing bonus on all applications and anything that can access the internet.

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